Mapping Services that help improve farming operations & efficiencies.
Equipped with the latest Trimble RTK equipment, the team at Environmental & Cropping Technologies Australia is proud to offer mobile mapping services to its clients throughout Western Australia. No job is too big or too small for the team. With our Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS equipped vehicle & mobile base station, we have the ability map with accuracy levels of up-to plus/minus 1 inch.
All maps produced can be exported into a wealth of data formats, including Google Earth, Adobe PDF, Shape Files and generic image file formats ready for email or printing.
Mapping Services Available.
General Mapping Services
Do you need assistance with mapping paddock boundaries, vegetation, drains, power-posts, hazchem sites, dams or infrastructure? Maybe creation of fire & emergency plans? Or even a map to give to your employees, site visitors or contractors so they don’t get lost? Don’t worry, we can help you out!
Elevation & Waterflow
Need to create elevation and drainage maps, but haven’t got the RTK equipment to do so? Don’t worry, the team at Environmental& Cropping Technologies Australia can assist you with your elevation mapping needs! Our RTK equipped vehicles are ideal for recording elevation data. Mapping at accuracy levels of up to plus or minus 1 inch, we can soon have your fields surveyed to identify regions of interest, pooling and potential drain locations*.
Biomass Mapping
Unsure whether you need a top-up of fertiliser? Or maybe you just want to compare tillage, management, fertiliser or chemical treatments in-season to see if there are any difference before harvest time? We have the perfect solution for you. Utilising our special active optical sensors, we can effectively map plant vigour and health as our vehicles traverse the paddocks.
Grid Sampling & Scouting
Do you need your soil test sites mapped out at time of sampling, so you can go back at a later date? Or maybe you want your paddock grid sampled in hectare squares or an area sizing of your choice? Our GPS equipped vehicle & laptops allow easy us to perform GPS geo-referencing services.