
We’re committed to improving farm productivity and profitability.

Mapping Services that help improve farming operations & efficiencies.

Precision Data Management & Mapping is a main core activity at Environmental & Cropping Technologies Australia, offering a full-service package that includes data collection, processing and analysis solutions.

Utilising advanced software, we have the ability to import most machine data files & raw data file formats. After cleaning data files, removing error points and processing, we then have the ability to export processed data into a range of file formats including Shape Files, Google Earth Files, Comma-Separated (.csv) files, Machinery Ready Files and Basic Images.

Our software has the ability to process a wealth of information, ranging from yield maps, NDVI biomass maps, elevation & water flow mapping, application (as-applied) maps, variable rate maps & electromagnetic survey data. 

Some of our many services available:

Yield Processing

Low cost yield data processing with harvester matching services available. No matter what colour you have or brand your screen is, we are able to process your yield data into quality maps to help make informed decisions from.

Water Use Efficiency Mapping

Do you have detailed rainfall records, and want to map water use efficiency in your crops? We can incorporate rainfall measurements and map out high and low regions of efficiency.

Elevation Data Processing

Elevation Mapping Environmental Cropping Technologies AustraliaWe can effectively process elevation data collected from either growers RTK or from our own mapping vehicle. Once data has been gridded, the possibilities are literally endless.
Our team can create elevation maps and help identify potential drainage options*.

Multi-Year Standardised Analysis

Do you have different crop types, but still want to know what areas are consistently high, medium or low yielding? Our standardised multi-year analysis helps you pin-point these areas, allowing us to delve into finding out what constraints are limiting your productivity.

General Mapping Services

Do you need assistance with mapping paddock boundaries, vegetation, drains, power-posts, hazchem sites, dams or infrastructure? Or even maybe a map to give to your employees, site visitors or contractors so they don’t get lost? Don’t worry, we can help you out, and even collect it for you with our RTK equipped vehicle.

Elevation - Water Ponding Maps

Water ponding maps are ideal for identifying regions where water pools. Used in conjunction with stream network maps and watersheds, the team at Environmental & Cropping Technologies can help you identify potential ponding points, and help design methods of minimising land-losses.

Variable Rate Mapping

So you’ve got your yield maps all processed, but want to apply different rates of fertiliser or seed according to zones or previous yields? Utilising our advanced precision farming software, the team can sit down with you (and your agronomist), edit and create machine ready VRT maps.

Data Processing

Had your farm EM or Gamma-radiometrics mapped, and feel like you’ve lost support from your previous PA provider? Don’t worry, we can combine your data with our services to create VR maps based on soil type and parent material.

Elevation - Contour Maps

Contour (or topographic) maps are great at identifying regions which share the same elevation levels.

Gross Margin Mapping

Want to know what areas aren’t performing financially? Or maybe you want to ‘top-up’ those that are? Our Gross Margin Mapping service can assist you in your needs. Compare gross margin maps year on year to find areas where you could improve financially.


Biomass Mapping

Unsure whether you need a top-up of fertiliser? Or maybe you just want to compare tillage, management, fertiliser or chemical treatments in-season to see if there are any differences before harvest time? With a range of ground or airborne based sensors, we can effectively map plant vigour and health.


Elevation - Stream Network Maps

Stream network maps serve multiple purposes. They are based off watershed maps, digital elevation maps and flow accumulation maps. Stream Network Maps identify common water-paths, and the flow levels (size) associated with each path.

* Drainage work & evaporation basin works may require approval from local & state government agencies. Environmental & Cropping Technologies Australia recommends seeking further advice from appropriate governmental agencies before proceeding with drainage works. We are more than happy to assist you with any supporting maps & documentation in your application requirements.

Environmental & Cropping Technologies Australia supports the rural and regional Western Australia population through the provision of specialised  Precision Agriculture (PA), GIS Mapping,  connectivity & AgTech  services. 

For more information about how we can help you, please contact us through one of our many channels.


34 Ardross Crescent, Albany WA 6330

PO Box 5153, Albany PO WA 6332

Mobile: 0428 seven-six-eight 589